
鑒於神經生物學實為一門統合性的科學,若能藉由不同領域的專業互相結合,對於神經科學領域的研究更有事半功倍之成效。因此2008年5月經由本院神經科學諮詢會議決議,於同年12月正式成立神經科學研究計畫(Neuroscience Program of Academia Sinica, NPAS),並由分子生物研究所 簡正鼎 特聘研究員負責。2021起,由生物醫學研究所 陳志成 研究員接任計畫召集人,持續推動事務進行。


(1) 建立院內神經科學研究之技術交流


The Neuroscience Program of Academia Sinica (NPAS), by teaming up the School of Life Sciences and the School of Medicine at National Yang-Ming University (NYMU) in 2013, the Institute of Clinical Medicine of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in 2014 ,the Department of Life Science of National Taiwan University(NTU) in 2016, the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience of National Central University(NCU) in 2018, INS will expand its repertoire to include research in cell and molecular neurobiology, clinical medicine, systems neuroscience, neural imaging and engineering, and cognitive and computational neuroscience. A diversified yet advanced curriculum will be offered from these three campuses to enrich the learning process. In combination with seminars, symposia, and retreats, INS will provide active and flexible training processes to help students reach their highest potential. In addition, students are encouraged to initiate and participate in collaborative research projects among labs of different disciplines. We seek highly motivated and energetic students of various backgrounds to apply the INS program.