
About us

The Neuroscience Core Facility, established by Neuroscience Program of Academia Sinica (NPAS), specializes in offering services related to electrophysiological technology. Our primary focus involved utilizing animal brains, tissue biopsies, and cell lines to record electrophysiological or imaging signals. In the field of neuroscience research, we employ the detection of changes in cell electrical signals or fluorescence imaging to gain insights into the activities of cells or tissues. Subsequently, we infer the characterization of the abnormal behavior, aiming to unravel the underlying reasons for such deviations.

The facility extends its support through consulting services, covering areas such as biopsy culture, instrument operation guidance, image acquisition, and related technologies. Researchers can leverage the expertise provided by this core facility to meet their specific requirements in electrophysiological and imaging technologies.


Our services:

(1) Field-EPSPs recording in brain slices
(2) Patch-clamp recording
(3) Voltage-sensitive imaging recording
(4) Confocal imaging