

Calcium Imaging System

- Zeiss Inverted microscope/EMCCD/LBDA DG-4
- Perfusion and Temperature control system
- Software: MetaFlour for fluorescence ratio imaging

MICAM05-N256 system

A high-speed imaging system that captures and visualizes small changes in fluorescence intensity from biological samples stained with fluorescent probes, such as voltage sensitive dye.
- Active Pixel (HxV) : 256x256
- Pixel Size (HxV): 69um x 69 um
- THT Microscope: Leica 1.6x APO objective & 1x APO objective
- Exciter for RH1691

Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (Zeiss LSM880)

The Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope with Airyscan features an inverted design, allowing for capture two- or three- dimensional images with multiple-color fluorescence. Additionally, it is equipped with the CO2 and temperature-controlled incubation system to support live and time-lapse experiments.
- Lasers: 405nm, Argon Laser (458nm, 488nm, 514nm), 561nm, 633nm
-vDetectors: 2PMT; 1x GaAsP PMT; BiG-2 GaAsP; Airyscan module; T-PMT
- Objectives: Plan-Apochromat 10x/0.45; 20x/0.8; 40x/1.2 Water; 40x/1.3 Oil; 63x/1.4 Oil; 100x/1.46 Oil
- Incubator system: temperature, humidity, CO2 control